Princess Play Castle Tent Discovery Kids Review {Video}
I only wish I had this cute pink princess castle tent when I was a kid! It would have transformed my room into the enchanted realm I always pretended to play in! Here…
How to Set Up a Receipt Organizer with an Accordion File {with Video}
If you had good intentions of getting organized in the new year but didn’t know where to start for setting up a system for filing receipts, don’t feel bad. Here is a video…
DIY Repair: How to Clean a Refrigerator Condenser Fan with Video
Your condenser may have overheated from the fan being so dirty that it can’t properly cool anymore. We’ll show you how easy it is to clean a refrigerator condenser fan in the handy…
How to Make Mashed Potatoes with Video
How to Make Mashed Potatoes Everyone should know how to make mashed potatoes. Potatoes are a basic frugal cooking ingredient that will allow you to stretch your grocery budget while adding nutrition to…
How to Cut a Pineapple
Many people are afraid to buy whole pineapples, even though they are often a much better value than canned pineapple. The simple reason why they pass on fresh is that they’re not sure…