13 Things You Haven't Cleaned in 6 Months
Some things just never get cleaned. Either they’re in hard to reach places, places you can’t see, or they are hard to clean. Maybe they’re just such everyday objects that you don’t think about cleaning them at all. Whatever the reason, I bet there is more than one item on the list below that you haven’t cleaned in at least six months, and it’s probably pretty dirty by now! Don’t be embarrassed! We all have places we forget about and neglect when cleaning. Print this list out now and get started on checking these items off as you clean and sanitize. Find out how to clean each item below, then…
22 Unexpected Things to Wash in the Dishwasher
From the most commonplace household item to the truly bizarre, here are 22 unusual things to wash in the dishwasher:
How to Protect Produce From Spoiling with Sponges
Kitchen Tip: Don’t Let Your Produce Spoil! It’s always a wonderful treat to find fresh produce on sale and stock up on the great find! However, how often does that produce start to spoil and mold before it can be eaten? A study by the University of Arizona in concert with the United States Department of Agriculture showed that each US family throws away an average of 470 pounds of food each year. We also throw away 1/4 of all the produce purchased for our families. Make sure the food you buy gets eaten instead of being sent to the trash. Protect some produce which is quick to mold (such…