99 More Uses for Plastic Milk Jugs & DIY Milk Jug Projects!
I knew you wanted more DIY milk jug projects, so I’ve been hard at work putting the finishing touches on my new list of ways to use plastic milk jugs after they are…
Let's Hear it for Frugal Husbands!
Having the support people in our lives understand and get on board with our frugal movement is key. It makes everything easier to have the same thinking about spending less and saving more…
40 Uses for Plastic Milk Jugs
Plastic milk jugs / milk containers have many uses after their primary function of holding milk is over. As milk container week comes to a close, we’re left to recap the many creative…
Milk Jug Uses In My Kitchen
DIY Milk Jug Uses In My Kitchen Right Now! It’s milk jug week and here are 3 of my own quick and handy DIY milk jug creations you can find in my kitchen right…
The House That Milk Jugs Built
The House That Milk Jugs Built My husband started a running joke in our house about my use of empty milk jugs. He says that ours is “the house that milk jugs…