How to Be a Disney Princess Makeover for Halloween
On Saturday, I took Prynne and Seven to the #DisneyBeauties Walmart Sleeping Beauty Retailtainment event at Walmart for their princess Halloween costumes shopping spree. They had a wonderful time and loaded our cart…
20 Back to School Supplies to Use From Last Year
Contrary to popular belief, school shopping doesn't have to kill your budget. Check your inventory against our list of school supplies not to buy before you go shopping.
9 Essential Activities for Your Kids’ Summer Vacation Plan
Parents Take Control of Your Summer – Make the Kids a Summer Vacation Plan. The summer vacation activities below are from most important to least important.
Parents Take Control of Your Summer – Make the Kids a Summer Vacation Plan
Going into summer vacation with the idea that your kids have free reign and can fill their own time is a huge mistake. You need to make a summer vacation plan. Mostly, remember…
The Naughty Corner Board
Over the years we’ve gone through many reward and punishment systems in the Ice-Simmons house, and I stumbled upon this old picture of a version of our “Naughty Corner” board from a while…
Truett's Excited for his Surgery with the Surgery Countdown Craft Project
Tomorrow is the pre-op appointment for my 2 1/2 year old Truett’s tongue tie surgery on Monday. I started getting him excited about surgery about a week ago. I made him a surgery…
Family Friday: Where Did the Week Go?
The point is, there is always something that will make your time rush by. We can either choose to rush forward from one event to the next or to focus on enjoying the…
Fun Chores For Toddlers (Part 2)
It is never too early to start teaching your child about the importance of being tidy and responsibility. Having him do chores at a young age will help prepare him for added responsibility…
Summer Vacation Tips From a Mom of Four
No matter where your family vacation destination is, there are simple steps you can take to make the most out of your summer vacation. Follow the summer vacation tips below from this mom…
Fun Free Outdoor Games for Kids
It’s summer time again, and the kids are eager to go play fun outdoor games and run around in the sun. These are some fun free outdoor games for kids to play which…