Home Improvement,  Minimalist

Minimalist Move Day 58: Is this the Final Load For Charity?

Yesterday was our end of the minimalist journey moving sale.  We took all the remaining non-keeper items and filled up our living room.  We posted the sale of craigslist and watched our belongings fly out the door all day.
Today, we stared at the remains of the moving sale and felt strangely detached from items that were so hard to give up just a few days ago!  I called my mom to come over and take whatever she wanted, which ended up only being 5 things.  She, too, is paring down, and while not going minimalist herself, she definitely understands our reasons.
My husband just loaded the final batch destined for our local charity and drove away.  I didn’t even feel any emotion as he left, I just wanted the stuff gone.  Today we will pack our remaining keep items and clean the house for the realtor to photograph tomorrow.  Take a deep breath, Danelle.  We’re almost free.


  • Jordan

    That’s good to know. I hope that you will get a lot of satisfaction from living a minimalist lifestyle.

  • Chris Molnar

    Good to hear , Danelle! Feeling “strangely detached” is definitely a good sign. It’s all just “stuff” and now it’ll go to where it’s needed. Almost there!