Keep Holiday Biscuits Warm Longer
Are you planning to serve hot biscuits or rolls at your holiday dinner? Do you wish your holiday biscuits stayed warm longer? Here’s a tip that will help!
Presenting homemade rolls or bread in a festive basket with a cloth napkin is a nice way to make them look appealing and evoke cozy Christmas meal memories. However, the open top and slits in the basket can cause the rolls to lose a lot of heat and cool off fast, getting cold, hard, and unappetizing.
Keep Rolls Warm with a Basket Liner and Lid
To help insulate your biscuit basket, line the inside of the basket with aluminum foil (tin foil) before you put in the cloth napkin and biscuits. The foil acts as a barrier to keep the warmth from escaping, keeping your rolls warmer and softer for longer.
The foil method will also work for the top. To form a basket covering (lid):
Lay a piece of aluminum foil over the top of your filled basket (make sure it extends past the basket about 5 inches on each side).
Lay a cloth napkin or kitchen towel on top of the foil.
Starting at one end, start rolling the foil and napkin under, towards the basket. Mold the rolled end to the basket. Repeat this action for the other sides as well.
The rolling of both layers will stick the foil and napkin together so they don’t come apart and the foil isn’t visible.
When ready to eat, simply lift the “lid” off!

Oh the wonders of the foil. I use it a lot for other things.
Home Ever After
@BarbaraLee: So do I. It’s really versatile, and it’s a lot cheaper than parchment paper! I love the photos on your blog 🙂
I love it! Thank you! It’s such a disappointment after the work you put into making dinner rolls and your guests get the rolls half-warm, instead of nice and hot!