How to Clean a Coffee Pot (Carafe)
If you’re wondering how to remove coffee stains from your coffee pot or just need to know the fastest and easiest way to clean a carafe, keep reading. Our easy step by step instructions for how to clean a coffee pot are broken down by section:
- How to clean a glass coffee pot
- How to clean a stainless steel coffee pot
- How to clean burnt coffee from the bottom of a coffee pot
Read your coffee maker manual to see if your coffee pot (carafe) is dishwasher safe. If so, wash the coffee pot in the dishwasher at least once a week (remove the lid first and leave out). Even with dishwashing, the coffee pot can still get coffee stains built up on the glass or stainless steel. Here are methods to clean both kinds of coffee pots and how to remove coffee stains from a carafe.
If you need to flush out the inside of your coffee maker too, skip ahead to our tutorial here: How to clean a coffee maker.
How to Clean a Glass Coffee Pot (Carafe)
This old trick from coffee houses and coffee brewers is a fast and easy way to remove coffee stains from glass coffee pots and get them looking like new again! The mixture creates a kind of abrasive scrub to remove stains from the glass.
Step 1. Add enough ice cubes to cover the bottom of the coffee pot.
Step 2. Add 2 teaspoons of salt.
Step 3. Add vinegar until ice cubes are completely covered.
Step 4. Holding the handle, gently swirl the coffee pot to make the mixture “scrub” the bottom and sides. Do this for about 2 minutes or until your arm gets tired!
Step 5. Pour out the mixture.
Step 6. Fill the sink with warm water and a few drops of dish detergent. Submerge the coffee pot in the sink. Use a sponge to wipe down the inside and outside of the class, the lid top and lid inside, and the coffee pot handle.
Step 7. Rinse thoroughly and air dry.
How to Clean a Stainless Steel Coffee Pot (Carafe)
The method for how to remove coffee stains from a stainless steel coffee pot is a little different.
Step 1. Fill the stainless steel coffee pot with boiling water. Don’t put your hand in the boiling water!
Step 2. Add a tablespoon of powdered dishwasher detergent. If you don’t have powder, you can use a squeeze of regular dish hand washing detergent.
Step 3. Let your cleaning solution soak in the carafe for at least 6 hours. You can leave it overnight and rinse out in the morning, too.
Step 4. Wipe out with a bottle brush (for narrow-mouthed carafes) or a sponge (for wide-necked carafes).
Step 5. Use a sponge, dish detergent, and running water to clean the outside of the coffee pot, the lid, and the handle.
Step 6. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry.
How to Clean Burnt Coffee from the Bottom of a Coffee Pot
If leftover coffee has been left in the pot with the coffee maker turned on, it can cause the coffee to burn onto the glass. This burnt coffee residue is hard and can be difficult to remove, even if you try scrubbing or scraping. There is a secret to cleaning burned coffee from the bottom of a coffee pot.
You’ll need a water softener powder, like Calgon (which comes in a blue box on the laundry aisle at most grocery stores), and hot water.
Step 1. Add 1/4 cup powdered water softener to the coffee pot. Add hot water (about 2 inches deep).
Step 2. Let soak until water is cool enough to touch.
Step 3. Using a sponge, loosen the debris from the bottom of the coffee pot.
Step 4. Wash as usual.
Make sure to clean your coffee pot at least once a week if you brew coffee on a daily basis. If you use your coffee maker less frequently, make sure you clean the carafe at least once a month. If you haven’t cleaned out your coffee maker, this is a cleaning chore that naturally goes along with cleaning coffee pots!
Make sure you flush your coffee maker once a month with our tutorial How to Clean a Coffee Maker. Still not convinced that you need to clean your coffee maker? Read How to tell if Your Coffee Maker is Dirty.

One Comment
Great tip used it on my glass carafe. Didn’t realize how dirty it was not it sparkles. Thx!