
Fun Chores For Toddlers (Part 2)

More Fun Chores For Toddlers

If you missed last week’s introduction to fun chores for toddlers (part 1), go check it out now before reading on!

  • Give your child a dust cloth and have him dust all the tables. You can even make a homemade, non-toxic cleaning spray of vinegar and water for him to use.
  • If he spills his drink on the floor or table, have him help you wipe it up.
  • Teach him to place dirty dishes into the sink. If he can’t reach, you can leave a step stool nearby that he can bring to the sink or you can teach him to at least places all dishes in a pile near the sink.
  • Place a small cup into the pet food container and have him scoop food into the pet bowl.
  • Teach him how to water houseplants and pick up any fallen plant leaves and throw them away (any toxic plants should be kept out of the reach of children).

Children can learn very early on to clean up after themselves. Have your child place his dirty clothes in a hamper in his closet or the laundry room. When he is finished playing with his toys have him put them in a basket in his room or the den. Teach him that he will not be allowed to take out another activity until the first one is properly put away.
After you make his bed, have him put the pillow in place along with any stuffed animals. It is never too early to start teaching your child about the importance of being tidy and responsibility. Having him do chores at a young age will help prepare him for added responsibility down the road.