Fight Vampire Electricity Thieves
Fight Energy Vampires and Lower Your Electric Bill
Vampire taps might be sucking the energy out of your home right now! Chances are, they’re inflating your energy use and raising your electric bill, silently draining the money out of your household budget. We’ve talked before about vampire energy taps.
What is vampire power? I know Halloween is just around the corner, but vampire energy taps don’t have anything to do with dracula or evil undead creatures! A vampire tap is an electrical device that uses electricity while plugged into an outlet, even if it’s not turned on or in use. Vampire power means you end up paying extra for electricity that you’re not even using. Frugal families can cut down on vampire energy waste and reclaim their energy savings, starting now.
Vampire Power Facts:
In a typical American home, 40% of all electricity used is from products that are turned off, as reported by the Department of Energy.
An average American house has between 20 and 40 vampire taps in use.
How much do vampire taps cost you? Every watt of energy costs $1 per year, and those watts can add up fast.
$1,000: number of dollars in electricity wasted in the average house each year!
Fight Vampire Energy Right Now:
1. Unplug your electronics when not in use (yes, this includes cell phone chargers).
2. Use a power strip that’s easy to turn off when you leave home or go to bed.
3. Switch to Energy Star products and appliances; they use less energy when turned off and save you money.
4. Watch the spooky video below to find out typical products that drain your power: