Staying Open to New Ideas
Staying open to new ideas can be a lot harder than it sounds. There are some simple mind hacks that can enhance your ability to enjoy trying new things and looking at life in a whole new way. Let’s focus on a few simple tips that make it easy to stay open to new ideas.
19 Tips to Embrace the New Day when You're not a Morning Person
It’s a new day and you want to make the most of it. For some people (including me), morning is the hardest time of day because I’m not naturally a morning person. Are you a night owl too? Never fear! You can still have a wonderful morning by following my 19 tips to embrace the new day when you’re not a morning person. 19 Tips to Embrace the New Day and Have a Great Morning 1. Wake up in a good mood. This sounds easy enough, but there are a lot of factors that go into waking up happy. Tips 2,3 and 4 below are a few that contribute to…
Make Time Count: 2 Hour Weekend
Good morning, friends! Grab your coffee (or tea or water or other refreshing beverage) and make your time count. You’ve got 2 days of weekend and – even if you’re the busiest person around – you’ve surely got 2 hours in there that belong to you. Take those 2 hours (or 3 or 5 or 10) and do something deliberate that helps you achieve one of your life goals. It may be as simple as writing an email, researching a school program, creating a resume, or reading a book. The first step in any direction is the same size as every other step: small. YOUR weekend (the time that you…
When the Seasons Change, it's Time to Change with Them
When the seasons change, it’s time to change with them. We’re not only talking about when the seasons outside change. It’s not just switching to warm weather Autumn clothes and bring in fall home décor that’s important. I’m also talking about when the seasons of life change. It’s not always apparent when you end one chapter or season of your life an enter another. Sometimes a major life event closes the curtains on one act to usher in another and you’re fully aware that life is changing forever. But other times the change is more gradual and you just can’t see it when you’re in the midst of day-to-day life.…
Good Morning! It's Time to Get to Work on What's Important
Good morning! It’s 4 am here in Alaska and I get up this early for a good reason. No, not because I’m crazy or have bad sleeping habits! In Alaska we’re way behind the other time zones, so I have to start my day very early to communicate with businesses on the East Coast during business hours. Even more important than that, though, is the fact that what’s important has to come first. On New Years do you look back and wonder why you didn’t accomplish those big life goals in the past year? I’ve been there, I’ve wondered with you, I’ve vowed to do a better job in the…
Moms – You ARE Good Enough
As wives, mothers, women, and human beings on this Earth, we are not born with a full set of instructions. We do not know the right way to do everything from the outset of our life, and we shouldn’t expect more from ourselves than to do the best with what we are given.
Mom Time – 6 Ways to Make Time For Yourself
Once you have become a mom, it very difficult to find time for yourself. You get busy with the challenges of motherhood, while managing household chores. Finding time for moms is a difficult but with a little time management tactics you will be able to manage it.
Why Being the Bigger Person is Hard and 8 Ways that Help
Being the bigger person is hard. Exercising self-control with challenging people doesn’t come naturally to most of us, which is why it can take extreme effort to hold ourselves back. Why is is so hard to be the bigger person? It may be tempting when dealing with people in unpleasant situations, such as ex-spouses, estranged relatives, cranky salespeople, or others, to fire right back at them. Temptation may be there to yell back at a yeller, to swear at a swearer, to throw something back at a thrower, to hit a hitter. Email flame wars, name-calling contests, physical fights, world wars: all these retaliations come to mind when thinking about…