Frugal Living
As Frugal as You Want to Be
How frugal is frugal enough? Do you compare your frugal efforts to those of your friends, neighbors, family members, or even fellow frugal bloggers?
13 Ways to Save Money on Laundry Costs
While we can't eliminate laundry from your list of necessary housework items, we can help you save money on laundry with these frugal laundry tips.
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Live a Frugal Life
Live a frugal life, live below your means, save more money, spend less money, save money on household expenses… Here are 5 things you can do right now to live a frugal life…
When Budgeting Gets You Down
It seems like doing the right thing should always feel good. We read the same thing over and over again from every source: financial planners, blogs, friends, accountants… if you want to be…
Are Frugal Sacrifices Worthwhile?
Are the sacrifices we make to live frugally really worthwhile? When you give up luxuries – items, vacations, services- does it necessarily mean you are lowering your quality of life?
5 Surefire Ways to Recession Proof Your Job
Learning how to recession proof your family right now is imperative, both to prepare for the possibility of layoff and prosper even during the recession. Today’s installment shares ways to recession proof your…
Buying Cheap Kids Clothes: Store Sales and Clearance Schedule
As frugal parents, we all want to get great kids’ clothes while spending less money. This store sales and clearance schedule below lists the best times and places to buy kids’ clothes for…
Frugal Tip: How to Save 90% on Kids Clothes
How to Save 90% on Kids Clothes We’ve got a frugal tip today that will cut your budget for kids clothes by 90%. Holy thrifty savings, Batman! We take thrift store shopping a…
9 Step Plan to Recession Proof Your Pantry and Food
Update, April 29, 2019: This article was originally posted in 2009 (yes, 10 long years ago) during the great recession in the United States. We went through every avenue, no matter how small,…
Recession-Proofing: It’s Not About How Much You Make
Editor’s note: With many American families feeling the pinch of the current recession, more and more people are turning to the internet to find ways to survive on one income. Some are even…