Bulk Storage for Your Frugal Pantry
In my never-ending quest to drive down our grocery costs, my husband and I delved into buying dry staples in bulk. Many staples (rice, beans, barley, flour, and other grains) can be purchased…
Frugal Mistakes: We Shopped For Bulk Food Storage Without Researching!
My husband and I were interested in buying food staples in bulk to save money on our grocery bill. We jumped in enthusiastically, but not educated about bulk foods. Our first acquisition: a…
Conquer the Paper – Pt 2
If you missed last week, I am participating in The Lazy Organizer’s SMART Habit Saturday! I chose one new habit to work on and report back with my progress each Saturday. My habit…
Scaling Down the Homework – Pt 1
The Homework Situation Our daughter is slow. She takes her time with everything she does: writing her name, walking to the door, putting on her socks. Her teacher told us she takes so…
Yes, I Bring My Husband His Slippers
Is doing nice things for your spouse really wrong? Does it mean that you are their servant or slave, that you are beneath them? Is it belittling for a woman or man to…
The Donation Station
I felt like I was always swimming in clutter up to my armpits. My house was a mess and it never stayed clean for long. That’s why I created the Donation Station. But…
Teaching Our Kids that Being Happy Comes From Inside
I picked up Truett, announced cheerfully that he had a dirty diaper that desperately needed to be changed, and headed off to the nursery, smiling. My daughter asked, “Why are you smiling about…
Frugal Splurge: Family Weekend
Living a frugal life doesn’t have to be boring for your family. Your kids shouldn’t feel deprived because you’re not jetting out to movie premieres at the theater every weekend! You can find…
Conquer the Paper!
This is my first week participating in The Lazy Organizer’s Smart Habit Saturday! It’s hard to choose just one new habit to work on, when we are all constantly finding little ways to…
Free Childrens’ Books from Dolly Parton Imagination Library
The Imagination Library allows you to sign up your child (under 5) and they will receive a FREE book every month until their 5th birthday!