Simple Decluttering Criteria for Clothes – Pt 2
Simple Decluttering Criteria for Clothes – Part 2 I hope the first half of Simple Decluttering Criteria for Clothes was helpful to your wardrobe and your peace of mind! Make it easy (well,…
Simple Decluttering Criteria for Clothes – Pt 1
Simple Decluttering Criteria for Clothes – Part 1 Make it easy (well, easier anyway) to purge your closets with our handy decluttering criteria for clothes. Wondering why the harsh black and white rules? …
Exercise Equipment Turned Clutter Catcher
Exercise Equipment Turned Clutter Catcher I have a treadmill and an elliptical workout machine in my bedroom. Unlike a lot of people, I LOVE my exercise equipment and feel lucky to have it…
Frugal Friday: What I’m Willing to Give Up
Peer pressure can work for you in some cases. I’m using the positive influence of my frugal peers to trim the fat in these lean economic times, and I’ll tell you why. The…
Poll Results: Is Splitting Kids' Meals at Restaurants Okay?
Last week we were inspired to contemplate an ethical question about splitting up full sized meals at restaurants for your kids. Some restaurants frown on the practice, and some will even charge you…
13 Best Baby Shower Gifts on a Budget
Looking for great gift ideas for a baby shower that won’t break the bank? Everyone wants to give a gift that will be liked, be appreciated, and most of all, be USED! It…
The 99¢ Menu is Now the… $1.79 Menu?!
Tales of Recession Dining, aka The 99¢ menu at Wendy’s is now the $1.79 menu! My husband got back from his 2 week exile business trip to a remote village and we went…
How to Stretch Ground Meat with Frugal Fillers
Meat is expensive and if yours is like most frugal families, it takes up a significant portion of your grocery budget. While ground beef, ground chicken, ground pork and ground turkey are many…
13 Easy Ways to Save on Groceries
A question on every homemaker’s mind at one time or another is, “How can I save money on groceries? I want to spend less on my food budget- how do I get started?”…
Kitchen Tip: Freeze Extras in Ice Cube Trays
At times, we may throw things away because there is only a small amount left. Now, you can make use of small amounts of leftovers by freezing them for later use. Just use…