Get Ready for Thanksgiving the Frugal Way
Get ready for Thanksgiving the frugal way with these great tips. Let's plan ahead to work smarter, not harder, and to stay organized. That way we can focus on what's really important, the…
How to Cut a Pineapple
Many people are afraid to buy whole pineapples, even though they are often a much better value than canned pineapple. The simple reason why they pass on fresh is that they’re not sure…
Get Frugal with $5 a Week
Financial situations can change dramatically without warning, and have enormous effects on your household’s spending money. Whether your main breadwinner has lost their job, had work hours reduced, or you’ve lost the second…
Learn the Difference Between Needs and Wants
Learn the Difference Between Needs and Wants It can be difficult to learn the difference between needs and wants when you’re used to having a little flexibility in your shopping budget. When that…
Get Ready For Thanksgiving: Location Location Location
A little Thanksgiving holiday planning now will go a long way towards lowering your stress level on Turkey Day.
Are Your Home and Family Getting First Quality?
I was attacked by a refrigerator and butter – no kidding! Two days ago I opened the refrigerator, only to be accosted by a freak accident from a relatively organized appliance. As I…
Fight Vampire Electricity Thieves
Fight Energy Vampires and Lower Your Electric Bill Vampire taps might be sucking the energy out of your home right now! Chances are, they’re inflating your energy use and raising your electric bill,…
Why Being the Bigger Person is Hard and 8 Ways that Help
Being the bigger person is hard. Exercising self-control with challenging people doesn’t come naturally to most of us, which is why it can take extreme effort to hold ourselves back. Why is is…
Homemakers Fight Poverty – Blog Action Day
Homemakers fight poverty today during Blog Action Day! Today is 2nd annual Blog Action Day and we are joining the fight with over 11,000 other bloggers to reach our 12 million readers.
Go Green and Save on Shipping with Popcorn
Kitchen Tip: Pop edible popcorn to use as packing material! The holidays are fast approaching and many of us will be packing up boxes of presents to mail out to loved ones. Shipping…