Fun Chores For Toddlers (Part 2)
It is never too early to start teaching your child about the importance of being tidy and responsibility. Having him do chores at a young age will help prepare him for added responsibility down the road.
5 Problem Areas – What Keeps Me From an Organized Life?
Just because someone asks you to do something, be a part of a committee, donate your time, money, whatever DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO SAY YES!
Moms – You ARE Good Enough
As wives, mothers, women, and human beings on this Earth, we are not born with a full set of instructions. We do not know the right way to do everything from the outset of our life, and we shouldn’t expect more from ourselves than to do the best with what we are given.
Why Get Organized?
Being organized = less stress. Wouldn’t you love to be able to describe your life as efficient and coherent?
7 Tips to Recover From a C-Section
I thought I’d share some helpful hints for moms who find themselves having “belly births”. C-sections are vastly different than vaginal births, with very different recoveries. Many moms aren’t prepared, and it can be difficult to find good information out there to help.
13 Ways to Save Money on Laundry Costs
While we can't eliminate laundry from your list of necessary housework items, we can help you save money on laundry with these frugal laundry tips.
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Live a Frugal Life
Live a frugal life, live below your means, save more money, spend less money, save money on household expenses… Here are 5 things you can do right now to live a frugal life (and cut unnecessary spending).
Summer Vacation Tips From a Mom of Four
No matter where your family vacation destination is, there are simple steps you can take to make the most out of your summer vacation. Follow the summer vacation tips below from this mom of four kids to eliminate stress and enjoy some quality family time during this summer’s annual trip.
The Messy House: 8 Ways to Tell if you are Overwhelmed or Just Being Lazy
While I fully believe in taking a couple of days off during the week, you may or may not be the type of person who can handle what happens to your home when you’re not in control of the clutter for those two days. So what do you do? What do you do when laziness strikes and the clutter gets out of control?
Frugal Recipes: Fruit or Veggie Muffins
This basic muffin recipe is one I've made countless times using all sorts of different fruits and even vegetables. It is one of those great recipes that you can use your imagination with.