The 7 Best Personal Finance Audiobooks You Need To Own
If you have not heard these yet, you won’t be disappointed. They are never far away in my MP3 or CD changer. Each one you’re able to listen to over and again. If…
Transform Yourself from a Money Waster into a Money Saver – A Complete Frugal Makeover
It’s never to late to learn good frugal habits and turn yourself from a money waster into a frugal saver! Our complete frugal makeover will show you how to reset your financial situation…
Who Knew It Took Energy to Be Frugal?
Shortly after the birth of my newborn, I realized how much energy it takes to be as frugal as I normally am. Sometimes life interferes with the best frugal plans and other things…
Emergency Preparedness for the Pantry: Checklists To Get You Ready
When it comes to emergency preparedness for the pantry, there is never a case when being prepared isn’t helpful. Whether there is an earthquake or you lose your job and have to live…
13 Things You Need to Have in Your Purse (but Probably Don’t)
We all know that a woman’s purse is her arsenal of tools that help her take on the world, but there are things you need in your purse that probably aren’t in there.…
13 Things You Haven't Cleaned in 6 Months
Some things just never get cleaned. Either they’re in hard to reach places, places you can’t see, or they are hard to clean. Maybe they’re just such everyday objects that you don’t think…
Thanksgiving Already? Stop the Hustle and Choose What is Better
Thanksgiving is next week already, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to kick it into the high-stress, high-gear, faster-than-the-speed-of-life mentality to start off the holiday season! It can be easy to get wrapped…
Winter Checklist – 99 Ways to Get Ready For Winter
Get Ready for Winter with Home Ever After’s Winter Checklist Are you ready for winter? As the winter season slowly approaches for you (or quickly for those of you in colder climates), it…
Baby Protection New Technology – Safety 1st Complete Air Convertible Car Seat
Safety 1st was kind enough to send me a Complete Air carseat to try out for myself so I could share my thoughts with you all. Here's what I thought about using the…
As Frugal as You Want to Be
How frugal is frugal enough? Do you compare your frugal efforts to those of your friends, neighbors, family members, or even fellow frugal bloggers?