Play With Your Food: 7 Crazy Veggie Creations
It’s amazing what you can turn your veggies into when you use your imagination! It’s time to play with your food: here are 7 crazy creatures to turn your vegetables into.
DIY Repair: How to Clean a Refrigerator Condenser Fan with Video
Your condenser may have overheated from the fan being so dirty that it can’t properly cool anymore. We’ll show you how easy it is to clean a refrigerator condenser fan in the handy…
4th of July Camping Photo Progression: Sun to Rain to McDonald’s (Part 2)
Did you read the first part about our camping trip? Make sure you get the first (good) part of the story before you read on to the BAD part below! Read about camping…
4th of July Camping Photo Progression: Sun to Rain to McDonald’s (Part 1)
It wouldn’t have been the 4th of July weekend without some fun family camping, which is just what we did! My husband and I packed up the family minivan and hauled the kids…
Prepare for a Job Loss if Your State Government Shuts Down
There are some important steps you can take now if you’re afraid that your state government may be shutting down and your job may be in jeopardy.
We're Home – Truett's Surgery Tale
Truett is home from surgery, recovering well, and almost back to normal. Remember when I told you about Truett having surgery to cut his tongue tie? It went perfectly and he’s healing up…
Truett's Excited for his Surgery with the Surgery Countdown Craft Project
Tomorrow is the pre-op appointment for my 2 1/2 year old Truett’s tongue tie surgery on Monday. I started getting him excited about surgery about a week ago. I made him a surgery…
How to Make a Spring Cleaning Plan
Making a Spring Cleaning Plan is an easy process, but if you’ve never done it before, don’t worry! We’ll walk you through it below with step by step instructions.
13 Ways to Let Spring Into Your Home Today!
Is your home ready for spring yet? Spring is here for some of us already, and approaching for the rest. If you could use a little nudge in the right direction to get…
How to Sew a Button {Learn How to Sew}
The first step in do-it-yourself (DIY) clothing repairs begins with learning how to sew a button. Today we’ll teach you how to sew on a button with our easy step by step instructions.