Healthy Meals: How to Make Ready-to-Go Salad Bags
Today’s healthy meal teaches us how to make Ready-to-Go Salad Bags. These portable salads are made to eliminate dirty dishes, save time, keep you healthy and losing weight!
Goodbye Medela Breastpump, My Old Friend
I’m weaning my final baby, now four and a half months old. The Medela breastpump, however, has become so much a part of my life over the last 5 years that I can…
Turning Our Library Into a Homeschool Classroom
The kids have loved the idea of the library all along, and now are in for another surprise: we’re turning the library into a library / homeschool classroom!
Garage Sale Shopping with Kids: The Well-Stocked Car Checklist
We’ve got the perfect prep for you before going garage sale shopping with your kids. Our checklist represents a well-stocked car which is ready to keep your kids fed, entertained, and happy while…
Have More Time This Summer with a Garage Sale and a Decluttered (Empty) House
Would you like to have time to play with your kids, go on neighborhood walks, go fishing, go to the beach, have family bbqs, or go to the park? I’m going to show…
Minimalist Mom: Decluttering with a Big Family
Every time I decluttered, I sent tons of bags to the recycle, the thrift store, and the trash. How, then, did my house always still feel like it was swallowing me up and…
After 3 1/2 Years Pregnant – How Do I Get Back to the Real Me?
How do I get back to the “real me” after 3 pregnancies? Here I am before and after 3 pregnancies in a row.
2 Week Challenge: It’s Time to Use Up the Pantry!
Over the next two weeks, I challenge you to live of of our pantry groceries so that you can 1) save on your grocery shopping and 2) start your stockpile over fresh with…
100 Most Common Foods: How Many Are in Your Pantry?
These are the 100 most common foods and ingredients that most consumers usually have on hand. How do you compare to the average consumer according to the list?
25 Most Common Kitchen Items: How Many Do You Have?
How many of these 25 items do you have? Take a gander at the list and count up how you compare to the average consumer.