
Are Your White Washcloths Really Still White?

Are Your Washcloths Really Still White
Are your white washcloths really still white?  It’s probably a housekeeping issue you don’t ever think about, but the shade of your white linens might be truly shocking when you put them next to brand new white wash cloths or towels!
In my case, we just moved into a new house and I picked up an extra pack of washcloths to accommodate the addition of an extra bathroom.  I threw all of my old and new washcloths in the washing machine together and got quite a surprise when they all my white washcloths came out of the laundry in 2 distinct shades: white and brown!
It’s very true that when things happen slowly over time, we’re less likely to notice.  This even applies to the color of our clothes changing, fading, and/or staining as they age and are laundered.  Are your black socks really still black?  Probably not.  If you open a pack of brand new black socks and place them side by side, you’ll probably see that your “black” socks are really a shade of grey or brown now!

Are Your White Washcloths Really White?

Do a quick check today to see if your white washcloths are really still white (or socks, towels, clothes, whatever you need to check).  You can buy an inexpensive pack of washcloths and put them side by side with your old wash cloths.  Chances are, you need to replace them anyway!
Your other alternative is to pull out one washcloth and bleach it (or use a green whitening alternative).  When your newly whitened wash cloth comes out clean and bright, put it next to your others.  How much of a color difference is there between the 2?

Replace Your High-Use Linens Today!

Part of being a great homemaker is keeping your linens and clothes in good condition.  If you’re not a frequent whitener of linens, you might have a dingy linen closet supply and not even know it.
Plan to replace (or bleach) your high-use linens and clothing items on a regular schedule throughout the year.  Decide when to buy new and throw away the worn out linens, then put the schedule in your household management binder so you remember to switch out your items.
Here are some high-use clothes and linens that might be on your replacement list due to discoloration and excessive wear and tear:

  • wash cloths
  • hand towels
  • dish towels
  • bath towels
  • cloth napkins
  • socks
  • underwear
  • plain white and black t—shirts
  • men’s undershirts and tank tops

If the items are too worn out to be in your house, please use care when disposing of them.  It’s really not helpful to donate items to charity that are too worn out to use.  If they don’t look presentable, there is a chance that the charity will throw them in the trash anyway.
I find that even if I frequently bleach my whites, the bleach takes a toll of the fabric integrity and breaks it down faster.  You’ll still need to find a replacement schedule that works for you, even if you’re a bleacher.  Good luck with your linen check!